We asked Brandon to answer a few questions so you can get to know him better.
1) Are you a native or transplant to Guthrie County? Transplant. I was born in Atlantic and lived in Adair until I was six years old. I was then in Buffalo Center through my freshman year of high school before moving to Hubbard – where I graduated high school.
2) What’s the best part about your job? The people I work with.
3) When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? 1st baseman for the Chicago Cubs.
4) What was your first job you got paid for? Delivering the Des Moines Register.
5) What’s the best concert you’ve ever been to? Pearl Jam Wrigley Field
6) What show are you currently binge-watching or last movie seen? The Batman
Thank you for your 15 years of service and dedication to our bank, our team, and our community, Brandon!